What are the Goals of Physiotherapy Treatment of Scoliosis: The Schroth Method
Figure 1: Back and Neck Pain - Scoliosis - Physio Frenchs Forest, Physio Macquarie Park
What are the goals of physiotherapy management for scoliosis using Scoliosis Specific Exercises:
1. Prevent curve progression
2. To correct the spinal and trunk deformity in the long term
3. To prevent the health-related quality of life from deteriorating, while trying to improve it
Figure 2: Back and Neck Pain - Scoliosis - Physio Frenchs Forest, Physio Macquarie Park
The goal of treatment for scoliosis is to realign the blocks. By realigning the blocks, you are placing the spine in a more neutral position. This helps reduce tension of anatomical structures that are prominent and strengthen the areas that are collapsed and weak. The reorganising of the spine is completed by using specific positioning of the spine, breathing techniques and muscle activation.
What does the evidence say about Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) using the Schroth Method:
PSSE techniques deceased cobb angle/halt progression (Otman et al, 2005., Monticone, et al, 2014., Schribler, 2015., Kuru et al, 2015).
PSSE techniques during brace was superior to bracing alone in improving cobb angles, trunk rotation and quality of life scores (Kwan et al, 2017).
PSSE improve brace effectiveness (Zaina, et al, 2009., Rivett et al, 2014).
Conservative methods of treating with physiotherapy and braces are effective in reducing surgery (Rigo, Reiter, Weiss, 2003).
Exercises have shown to be effective in reducing brace prescription (Negrini et al, 2008).
Improve posture and aesthetics (Rigo et al, 2008).
Improve pain and function (Negrini et al, 2012)
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