Discs DO NOT Slip
What is a disc injury?
The all-important disc that we hear so much about. As physiotherapists we commonly hear “I have slipped my disc” and patients are afraid they will require surgery and shouldn’t move otherwise they will end up in a wheel chair.
Firstly, it’s important to understand the basic anatomy of the disc. Every segment in the spine has a disc except for C0-C1 and C1-C2. The disc forms a fibrocartilaginous joint between 2 vertebrae and acts as a ligament to hold the vertebrae as well acts as a shock absorber.
The disc is composed of the annulus fibrosus, a nucleus pulposus and a vertebral end plate. An interesting thing is that the vertebral end plate creates a strong connection to the annulus and therefore makes it impossible for the disc to slip.
Figure 1: Neck and Back Pain - Disc Injury - Physio Frenchs Forest, Physio Macquarie Park
So the question is, can discs get injured? YES
Can discs heal? YES
Did you know it takes 740lbs of force to compress the disc height 1mm in young subjects and 460lbs in older adults? (Hall, Jarrod, 2018, The Physio Network).
Take home Message:
Discs and ligaments do not like a friction force. This means picking objects up from the ground in a bent over position and twisting can cause an injury to the disc.
Discs can heal.
Surgery is rarely indicated in necks and backs
It’s important to see a physiotherapist to help manage your pain, regain your independence and prevent a further episode occurring in the future (Hall, Jarrod., 018. The Physio Network).
66.6% of disc herniations heal. (Zhong et al, 2017)
See our expert Physiotherapy team at Frenchs Forest and Macquarie Park!
Reece Jones
Principal Physiotherapist
Set In Motion Physiotherapy