The Rehabilitation of Running Injuries Part One

To set up a custom plan of care, it is important to identify and understand the different type of runners. A runner is dependent on their running distance and experience. Different runners are prone to different injuries. 


Factors affecting running injuries:

- Physiological Factors (V02 max, Lactate threshold, and Running Economy)

- Modifiable, intrinsic

- Gender/Sex

- Biomechanics

- Footwear/Orthotics

- Environment (Running surface; ground, treadmill, weather)

- Training: Variables – Distance, intensity/speed/flat versus hills, frequency


 A Systematic review in 2015 found the following 10 conditions as the most prevalent in runners:

Rehabilitation of runners requires Physiotherapists to look at the following components:

- Flexibility and Joint ROM

- Strength and Endurance

- Proprioception and Co-ordination

- Pain Management

- Use of Orthotics

- Psychology of Injury 

Please refer on for part 2

See our expert Physiotherapy team at Frenchs Forest and Macquarie Park!