Distal Radius Fractures
The radius is the most common bone broken in the arm. A break usually occurs with a FOOSH (falling on outstretched hand) injury.
In young people and kids, these fractures typically occur in high velocity accidents, such as a falling from a height. In older people, especially those with osteoporosis, distal radius fractures can occur from a simple fall onto the wrist.
Figure 1: Wrist Pain - Buckle and radius fractures - Physio Frenchs Forest, Physio Macquarie Park
The radius can break a number of ways:
- Buckle fracture: where the bone buckles or bends a little under a force (this happens mainly in children because their bones are softer).
- Intraarticular fracture: which extends into the wrist joint
- Extra articular fracture: does not extends into the wrist joint
- Comminuted fracture: broken in more than two places
The easiest way to diagnose a radius fracture is via Xray. Occasionally, a CT or MRI may be needed if a fracture line cannot be seen on an xray but pain/swelling/discomfort remains.
What is the treatment of a distal radius fracture:
- Non-surgical: If the bone is in a good position, usually a cast can be applied for 4-6 weeks to allow for healing. If it isn’t quite in the right position, an Orthopaedic doctor may decide to reduce it into the right position before placing a cast on. This may either be done under anesthetic or whilst you're awake, depending on severity and age.
- Surgical: If the position of the bone cannot be corrected with a closed reduction (as above), they may have to perform an open procedure using pins, plates or screws to get a good position and allow for healing.
After a distal radius injury, it may take at least 3 months to be able to return to full activities (if you have a simple fracture) up to 1 year (if you require surgery). Depending of the severity of the injury, you may also require physiotherapy to be able to increase range of motion, strength and functionality. At SIM Physio, we can manage a distal radius right from when the injury happens, to casting, and post cast or surgical treatment!
See our expert Physiotherapy team at Frenchs Forest and Macquarie Park!