Hamstring injures - Categories of a hamstring tear

Hamstring tears and strains:

Figure 1: Knee Pain - Hamstring Tears - Physio Frenchs Forest, Physio Macquarie Park

The hamstring complex refers to the muscles on the back of your thigh connecting the bottom of the pelvis or “sit bone” to the back of the knee. The hamstrings are responsible for many activities such as bending your knee and driving you forward and slowing you down when running

Broadly speaking, there are two main types of hamstring muscle strains or tears:

  • Type 1 (high speed running strains)

  • Type 2 (stretch strains). Though affecting the same muscle group, the two tear types differ in their rehabilitation.

Figure 1: Knee Pain - Hamstring Tears - Physio Frenchs Forest, Physio Macquarie Park

The mechanism and location of a hamstring tear provides important information for determining a plan for recovery.

 The following factors have been shown to be associated with increased length of time to return to normal activity and play. following a hamstring tear.

  • Time (days) to walk at a normal pace pain free

○    More than 1 day = 4 times more likely to take more than 3 weeks to recover fully

  •    Time (Days) to jog pain free is a strong predictor of return to play

○      1-2 days = less than 2 weeks

○      3-5 days = more than 2 weeks

○      5+ days = significantly longer to return to play

It is important to note that progression through the stages of recovery is not always time dependent, rather it is based on successfully achieving functional and clinical criteria.

See our expert Physiotherapy team at Frenchs Forest and Macquarie Park!