Incidence of achilles tendinopathy/achilles tendonitis and associated risk factors in recreational runners: A large prospective cohort study
Article written from: O’Neil, Seth. 2020. Incidence of Achilles tendinopathy and associated risk factors in recreational runners: A large prospective cohort study, The Physio Network 28.
Figure 1: Ankle Pain - Achilles Tendonitis - Physio Frenchs Forest, Physio Macquarie Park
The study looked at runners registering for events ranging from 5-42km. A questionnaire was used and collected at 2 months prior, 2 weeks prior, 1 day and 2 months post event.
The method relied on self-reported injury diagnosis and classified as one of the following factors met:
- Injury causes a reduction in running distance, frequency, speed or duration for at least 1 week.
- Injury leads to an appointment with a Doctor or Physiotherapist
- Medication is necessary to reduce symptoms.
Overall 1929 completed the questionnaire. The incidence rate was 5.2% Runners registering for a marathon had a higher incidence of 7.4% compared to 4%. Most injuries occurred 2 weeks prior to the event or the day after.
What are the risk factors for achilles tendonitis?
- Previous Achilles tendinopathy in the past 12 months
- Use of compression socks
- Use of a training schedule
Implications for patients:
If you’re planning on running an event, it would be useful to have a discussion with a Physiotherapist about training diaries, compressions socks and the risk of relapsing with a tendinopathy. The individuals with a previous Achilles tendinopathy should have a maintenance program that is individually developed for them.
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